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Empowering Customer Success

Discover the DataGalaxy difference!

Since DataGalaxy was created in 2015, we’ve helped over 150 worldwide leading brands organize, standardize, and personalize their data management to achieve
organizational goals.

Discover our customers’ data-powered achievements through captivating video case studies and testimonials that prove the power of utilizing an intuitive Data Knowledge Catalog.

Swiss Life

Thanks to DataGalaxy, we can finally track data end-to-end and identify ownership for every data point.

We have recieved many benefits from using DataGalaxy, including fully-documented technical and functional use cases, the creation of an algorithm library, clear identification of ownership among BI, business, data scince, and IT teams, and strong foundations for future use cases.

Emmanuel Dubois
Swiss Life France Chief Data Officer

Customer story

Join the 150+ leading brands
already using DataGalaxy

our clients

Customer Stories

DataLab Groupe

DataLab Groupe uses DataGalaxy to standardize, organize and structure the data documentation of its AI and data projects for the entire Crédit Agricole Group.

Customer story


Cofinimmo uses DataGalaxy to reduce data silos and provide detailed statistics on data usage within the organization.

Customer story

ESSEC Business School

ESSEC uses DataGalaxy to empower & provide autonomy to its business teams.

Customer story

Onet Group

Onet Group uses DataGalaxy to streamline data management, empower decision-makers, and drive digital transformation.

Customer story


GARANCE uses DataGalaxy to improve the overall efficiency of their data management and make knowledge accessible, while reducing the time spent searching for information.

Customer story


VIASANTÉ uses DataGalaxy to optimize its customer experience with a common customer data repository and strengthen its data governance.

Customer story


Eramet uses DataGalaxy to unite its teams with centralized data knowledge and well-rounded data governance approach.

Customer story


Lectra uses DataGalaxy to add value to its 50+ years of data collection and provide
self-service data access to every employee.

Customer story


CANAL+ chose DataGalaxy to optimize data management, improve team efficiency, and meet regulatory compliance requirements.

Customer story

Maisons du Monde

Maisons du Monde uses DataGalaxy to advance its data governance strategy and give its employees access to reliable data for better decision-making.

Customer story

Malakoff Humanis

Malakoff Humanis chose DataGalaxy to replace its old data catalog tool to establish a common business language, ease complicated data searches, and meet increasing regulatory challenges

Customer story

Altima Insurance

DataGalaxy enables Altima Insurance to improve data quality and meet regulatory requirements

Customer story


ARTE uses DataGalaxy to centralize all their data flows, providing a clear view of consumer habits and sensitive data for management and sales teams

Customer story

SPB Group

SPB Group uses DataGalaxy to make data knowledge accessible, build a common language, and map their data

Customer story

Terres du Sud

Terres du Sud turned to DataGalaxy’s Data Knowledge Catalog to create and structure a fully-accessible data framework

Customer story

Up Coop

Up Coop has been able to boost their overall operational efficiency thanks to DataGalaxy’s data documentation and visualization tools

Customer story

Floa Bank

DataGalaxy’s Data Knowledge Catalog has helped FLOA implement strong data governance practices company-wide

Customer story

My Money Bank

Major French bank, My Money Bank, used DataGalaxy to re-engineer its data management processes and reclaim its data assets

Customer story

Bouygues Télécom

Bouygues Télécom uses DataGalaxy’s Data Knowledge Catalog to centralize their customer data knowledge to maximize its value

Customer story


Manitou Group deployed DataGalaxy to transform their data from a liability to an organizational asset

Customer story

Swiss Life

International insurance leader Swiss Life uses DataGalaxy to boost new AI features and facilitate data democratization

Customer story


The associative insurance giant Alptis is closing the communication gap between business and IT teams using DataGalaxy

Customer story

As organizations grow to understand data better, we consume it faster. Because of this, complex questions about data can be answered quicker than ever before. There’s a growing appetite on the part of businesses to utilize and completely rely on their data catalog.

Eric Albertelli
MyMoneyBank CDL

For this approach to be successful, team support should not be minimized. Users need to be supported as this results in process change. In addition, you have to start the process, make mistakes, and correct, but move forward with an iterative approach.


Gérard Le Berre
Manitou CDO

Ready to start your own success story?
