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Gartner Widget Integration

Collective data knowledge for the future of intelligence

Attending Gartner Data & Analytics Summit? Book a slot with us! Discover how DataGalaxy empowers organizations in fostering data culture and literacy, serving as the catalyst for AI systems to make informed decisions, solve complex problems, and drive innovation.

150+ leading brands
already using DataGalaxy

Connecting Data + People + AI
with knowledge

your Domain Mesh
Data Organization

your AI data
product pipeline

AI readiness to unlock
full AI potential

Data accessibility with DataGalaxy unleashes the full potential of data and AI in our organization.

The DataGalaxy Catalog is available to every individual in the company, not just data experts or owners with licenses. This means that anyone can access the Catalog, search for specific data, read its definition, discover its location and related systems, find responsible parties, and request further information. We chose DataGalaxy for its user-friendly interface, catering to business people who are not data experts, and its collaborative workflows, allowing us to assign tasks to data stewards and track data quality improvements.


Marie Gepel
VP Digital Transformation

Ensure that your data
is AI ready

Centralize all your datasets

Merge all your data sources with one powerful solution

DataGalaxy’s Data Knowledge Catalog offers 70+ integrated connectors to effortlessly import your projects into one dynamic, customizable data landscape.

Connect all your data to our knowledge base via our library of connectors to easily centralize all your data, no matter its original source.

See all our connectors

End-to-end data quality monitoring

Accurate, reliable, and consistent data to support robust AI systems

Integrating data-health signals into the workflow helps users identify trustworthy data. DataGalaxy uses clear indicators, to guide users towards reliable data and away from outdated or questionable sources.

Ensure your AI models are built on accurate and reliable data, fostering trustworthiness and maximizing their effectiveness in delivering valuable insights and outcomes.

image data quality
Meet Metabot: Our AI Data Steward: Automate your catalog with Metabot, DataGalaxy’s ultimate automated suggestion assistant

AI-Driven Security & Compliance

Your automated suggestion assistant From object tagging and personal data classification to collaborative text evaluation and customizable suggestions, Metabot offers a comprehensive suite of tools to help you manage your catalog more effectively to derive better decision-making capabilities.

Metabot helps you ensure compliance with macro identification of data sensitivity levels through the Personally Identifiable Information (PII). This allows you to identify and tag personal data and ensure it is handled and stored appropriately.

Discover Metabot

Technical and business diagraming made easy

Restore context and understanding in complex data landscapes

DataGalaxy’s Data Knowledge Studio’s graphical elements, workflows, and diagram tools help expert users create easy-to-understand models based on information stored in the Data Knowledge Catalog. Together, these tools simplify data visualization and knowledge sharing so business users can grasp all the information they need at a glance.

Our Data Knowledge Studio in action
DataGalaxy's Data Knowledge Studio

Dynamic collaboration

Removing data silos one notification at a time Avoid clogged information flow by utilizing a Data Catalog that connects employees from all business units. DataGalaxy allows your team to easily trace your metadata’s transformation path, analyze change impacts, oversee modifications to the entire data set, and identify and mitigate risks before they happen.

Empower your teams and bring your data to life by facilitating democratized data collaboration based on reliable, interconnected sources.

Eager to learn more about DataGalaxy? Come and meet us!

CDO Masterclass:
Upgrade your skills and get certified!
