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Regulation and Compliance made easy

Discover how clients in banking, financial services, insurance, healthcare, retail, and various other industries leverage DataGalaxy to ensure compliance and mitigate risks associated with evolving local, national, and international regulations, such as Basel 4, BCBS239, ESG Scope 3 Reporting, GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA, and more.

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Challenges companies face with regulation & compliance

The issue

It’s easy to become overwhelmed when handling complex data regulations: Non-compliance can lead to financial penalties, brand damage, and loss of clientele. Therefore, implementing robust data management systems is crucial to ensure compliance and protect the organization.

Many organizations encounter challenges in complying with regulations, particularly in making data available, accessible, reusable, and shareable. Data is frequently dispersed across diverse IT architecture settings, making it difficult to maintain regulatory compliance.

The need

  • Tools to certify critical data elements across diverse information systems
  • Solutions for consistent compliance with regulations like GDPR and CCPA
  • Adaptable systems for evolving regulatory landscapes
  • Organizational data literacy to ensure business and technical users speak a common language for all regulatory compliance related tasks
  • Single view of all regulatory compliance data, e.g. CDEs on Reports, and more.

Why companies use DataGalaxy for regulation & compliance

Single view of regulatory data

This unified perspective helps ensure accuracy and consistency across reports and regulatory submissions, making it easier to manage and review.

Mass certify critical data elements

This process enhances trust and reliability in your data assets, supporting better compliance and business outcomes.

Establish shared Data Ownership

This collaborative approach fosters a culture of accountability and improves the quality of data handling, ensuring that data governance is a shared priority throughout the organization.

Audit, reporting and risk assessment

These processes help identify vulnerabilities in data management and usage, ensuring ongoing adherence to regulatory requirements and safeguarding the organization from potential threats.

Trust DataGalaxy to simplify your compliance journey

Identify and protect sensible data with A.I

DataGalaxy’s AI data classification capabilities help organizations easily identify and safeguard sensitive data like PII. The Data Knowledge Catalog handles all your organization’s personal information responsibly and securely, keeping your organization in line with strict data protection regulations like GDPR.

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Prevent risks with automated column-level Data Lineage

Pinpoint data sources and destinations for swift identification and issue mitigation, which is fundamental for establishing a comprehensive data governance strategy. This approach not only aids in quickly addressing potential data breaches or non-compliance issues but also facilitates a proactive stance in managing data flows.

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DataGalaxy is like a Google search for our internal metadata

DataGalaxy’s enhanced curation tools

DataGalaxy’s object curation feature allows for precise organization and tagging of data assets, enhancing accessibility and manageability. This focused approach aids in maintaining data integrity and compliance, offering users a streamlined method to leverage their data for strategic insights, thus boosting operational efficiency.

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Track activity logs

DataGalaxy’s activity logs provide real-time tracking and audit trails, enabling organizations to monitor user actions, analyze data usage patterns, and identify potential security risks.

Activity log 7 days ago updated field “Status” Gina Customers from “Proposed” to “Validated” updated field “PII Class” Mary Customers from “Unknown” to “Non PII” updated field “Quality rules” Elijah Customers updated field “Description” Gil Customers

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Find your data in under three seconds with DataGalaxy! Request a demo and achieve complete organizational data governance with our all-powerful, user-friendly Data Knowledge Catalog.

“ Thanks to DataGalaxy, we can finally track data end-to-end and identify data ownership. DataGalaxy’s Data Knowledge Catalog has provided so many benefits for our organization, including a fully-documented functional and technical use case, a thorough algorithm library, and a clear identification of ownership between IT, business, data, and BI teams. ”
Emmanuel Dubois Swiss Life Chief Data Officer

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