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DataGalaxy’s Data Processing

Identify, collaborate, and share information to describe and specify your data processing throughout your robust data catalog.

Data processing defines the data flows between attributes and columns within the same environment or across systems depending on the business or technical point-of-view.

DataGalaxy’s Data Processing tools helps teams easily design their data processing and clearly document their related transformations on one user-friendly platform.

Simplified Data Processing insights sharing

You and your teams manage large set of data processing and generate new mappings everyday – Processing specific information or finding the relevant documentation can help centralize and publish a personal catalog regrouping data process and mapping that works for your organization.

DataGalaxy’s all-in-one Data Knowledge Catalog offers out-of-the-box actionability with fully-customizable attributes, powerful visualization tools, standardized business glossaries, and AI integration to help organizations easily document, link, and track all their metadata assets on one dynamic platform.

A centralized view of all your Data Processing

DataGalaxy helps business and technical teams collaborate to define and modelize data flows. The collaborative processing catalog is an easily-accessible, unique knowledge repository for all your teams needs.

We have only one goal: Help you assign value your data!

Discover The Data Knowledge Catalog

The Data Knowledge Catalog

Easy access to you and your teams' entire data knowledge

Processing Catalog

Control on how your data assets are transformed and used as an organizational asset

Business Glossary

Bridge the gap between business, IT, and technical teams

Data Lineage

In-depth visual analytics tracking, research, and visualization

DataGalaxy Connectors

Our library of 70+ ready-to-go connectors to effortlessly identify and map your organizational data, processings, and usages

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