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Discover DataGalaxy
through real-world use cases

Explore the top use cases for DataGalaxy’s data catalog, designed to enhance decision-making, ensure compliance, improve data quality, foster collaboration, and support advanced analytics, helping businesses fully capitalize on their data assets.
thumbnail ai

AI Data Governance

Enhance data discoverability, improve data usage insights, and streamline data operations.

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Regulation and Compliance

Simplify compliance processes, ensure regulatory adherence, and reduce legal risks.

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data literacy

Data Literacy Enablement

Improve data comprehension, streamline data-driven decisions, and foster a culture of informed analysis.

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active metadata

Active Metadata Management

Enhance data discoverability, improve data usage insights, and streamline data operations.

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ESG Reporting

ESG Reporting

Streamline ESG data collection, improve reporting accuracy, and demonstrate sustainability commitment.

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collaborative data governance

Collaborative Data Governance

Strengthen teamwork on data policies, ensure data quality, and enhance accountability.

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Request a demo

Book a demo

Find your data in under three seconds with DataGalaxy! Request a demo and achieve complete organizational data governance with our all-powerful, user-friendly Data Knowledge Catalog.

“ Thanks to DataGalaxy, we can finally track data end-to-end and identify data ownership. DataGalaxy’s Data Knowledge Catalog has provided so many benefits for our organization, including a fully-documented functional and technical use case, a thorough algorithm library, and a clear identification of ownership between IT, business, data, and BI teams. ”
Emmanuel Dubois Swiss Life Chief Data Officer

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